microscop 2
تاريخ النشر : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
عدد المشاهدات : 127
تاريخ النشر : 0000-00-00 00:00:00
عدد المشاهدات : 127
is an instrument used to see objects that are too small for the naked eye. The science of investigating small objects using such an instrument is called
microscopy. There are many types of microscopes. The most common (and the first to be invented) is the optical microscope, which uses light to image the
sample. Other major types of microscopes are the electron microscope (both the transmission electron microscope and the scanning electron microscope), the
ultramicroscope, and the various types of scanning probe microscope and dissection microscope
هي أداة تستخدم لرؤية الأشياء التي هي صغيرة جدا بالنسبة للعين المجردة