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    viscometer   is an instrument used to measure the viscosity of a fluid. Viscometers only measure under one flow condition. In general, either the fluid remains stationary an

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      Uv transulimater This system has been used for the quantitative and qualitative analysis of compounds after separation from admixture       &n

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    UVphotoDoc It is New UV blocking viewer window allows you to easily and safely see the gel on transilluminator(Fluorescent Gels) Illuminate Illuminate stained gels with the UV flu

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    Texture analyzer   Used to find out texture and surface properties of materials and enter in many field in conducting tests of supervisory of food and medicine also have imp

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    tablet press   A tablet press is a mechanical device that compresses powder into tablets of uniform size and weight. A press can be used to manufacture tablets of a wide var

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      Tablet coating machine   Tablet coating is the process of evenly covering particles with a substance by applying a series of thin layers .Sugar coating, for example pr

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        Bulk and Tapped density   Tapped density is an important experimentally determined value in those industries producing and packaging powdered and granula

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الفريق البحثي التطوعي يبادر لأخذ مسحات لفحص العاملين في رئاسة جامعة البصرة بادر الفريق البحثي التطوعي في كلية الصيدلة وبتوجيه من الاستاذ الدكتور سعد شاهين حمادي...قراءة المزيد جا

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تدريسي في كلية الصيدلة يشارك في فعاليات (الصيادلة ضمن خطوط الصد الاول في مواجهة جائحة كورونا) شارك الدكتور عدي سجاد التدريسي في كلية الصيدلة في جامعة البصرة في فعاليات(الصيادلة ضمن خطوط الصد الاول

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